Threats Survey What do you think are the three biggest threats to our natural assets?(Required) Climate change; extreme weather Habitat degradation; fragmentation; loss; disturbance Changes to water flow and cycles; hydrological changes Erosion Salinity Desertification Altered fire regimes Loss of pollinators Poor land management practices Recreation and other activities Overuse or excessive extraction of resources Poaching; illegal hunting and fishing; bycatch Unmanaged domestic animals/pets Disconnect between people and nature/landscapes Loss of knowledge Population increase Land clearing Weeds Feral cats Foxes Feral pigs Other feral/pest animals Disease; pathogens Air pollution Soil/water quality changes due to chemicals/nutrients Light pollution; noise pollution Rubbish; litter; excessive waste (includes plastics and electronics) Imagining you had endless funding, hours and people power, which threat/s would you address and how?In which local government (council) area do you live?(Required) Banana Central Highlands Gladstone Isaac Livingstone Maranoa Rockhampton Western Downs Woorabinda Other Do you identify as...(Required) Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Agricultural Sector (beef, cotton, grains/crop, horticulture, other primary producer) Community Group Member/Volunteer Education Sector (early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary) First Nations of the Fitzroy Region Government (Local, State, Federal) Mining and Quarries Sector Natural Resource/Environment Sector Rural Resident Student Tourism Sector Urban Resident Select AllMake sure you're recognised for your great idea!(Required) Put my name against my idea I wish to remain anonymous Name First Last Email CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.